Rather than having an assistant or intern conduct a brief evaluation of the spine, at Precision Chiropractic your complete structural examination will be performed by the doctor. We believe that it’s important that the doctor is present every step of the process to not only better understand the underlying cause of your condition, but to answer any questions so you understand as well. The exam usually takes about 45-60 minutes and consists of:
  • Digital Structural X-rays
    • If we suspect there is a Structural Shift in the spine, we will take specific digital x-rays. We use a state-of-the-art x-ray unit which significantly reduces radiation exposure to our patients. We have our x-ray unit calibrated on a regular basis to ensure findings are accurate, and what appears on the x-ray is representative of the true alignment of the spine. The images will be available within a matter of seconds for the doctor to review with you.
  • Digital Photographic Analysis
    • We not only want our patients to feel better after working with us, we want them to see the difference as well. We perform a Digital Photographic analysis during the initial examination and also at your progress examination so you can see the changes we’ve made.
  • Neuro-muscular Evaluation
    • To really understand exactly what’s going on, we will perform any necessary orthopedic and neurological exams. This can include non-invasive muscle testing, reflex testing, and balance assessments.

***Please be prepared to dress appropriately for the examination. It is best that you have athletic/gym shorts available.

The Structural examination is not only designed to detect Structural Shifts, but allows for a better understanding of “normal- and a complete understanding of the underlying cause of your condition. After your examination, you will be scheduled for a conference where we will explain our findings, how we can help you, and create a customized corrective plan of care. We do not use a cookie-cutter approach or tell our patients they need to come for the rest of their lives.